BalleBaazi Fantasy Sports Quiz Now Live on the App

Ballebaazi Fantasy Sports Quiz
BalleBaazi Fantasy Sports Quizzes Now Live on the App

Well, let us just admit it already that we are missing out on a lot of fantasy cricket and fantasy football. Due to the recent coronavirus outbreak, we are not sure when we can have some actual games happening with our beloved sports stars gracing the game yet again. Fantasy sports has been revived via Esports/ Virtual fantasy gaming going live on the BalleBaazi app, one of the best fantasy sports app ever.

Apart from the virtual fantasy sports on BalleBaazi, the BB Crew is also looking at the engagement of the users on the BB app. In order to keep the skill and knowledge element going for the users, BalleBaazi has decided to launch their own BalleBaazi quiz on the application.

Similar to the league structures on fantasy cricket & fantasy football we will have our own Fantasy Cricket & Fantasy Football quiz contests on BalleBaazi and winners can earn real cash online daily.

BB Quiz: Rewarding your Knowledge of the Game

The Quiz format on the BalleBaazi application will be similar to most quizzes you might have played on some other generic mobile applications.

Users will be able to choose the Quiz type from the Homepage under the sports tab. For Eg: Under Cricket Quiz users will be able to see the Cricket Quiz Category. When the user chooses the category they will be able to see the Quiz Leagues which will be similar to the Sports Fantasy Leagues that include HeadsUp, 3Way, 4way, etc. Users will be able to see the number of questions and Max number of players with Quiz name. As soon as user tabs on they will be able to see the winning distribution and number of players in that league.

Users will be able to invite their friends in the league to join and play with them.

User clicks on the Play on the platform at that point of time users will be able to choose the Language they want to choose and then they are in Quiz interface. League will have a normal bonus application.

There are 2 kinds of Leagues:

  • Dynamic Leagues
  • Static Leagues

Dynamic Leagues

Denoted by Tab D on the Quiz League, it states that the maximum number of the player who can enter the league is 5 (user count may vary from 2 – 5 players) and the maximum prize pool is written in the to which can be divided among the players i.e., if there are 2 players then 1 player will be the winner and if the number of players is 5 then there will be 3 winners in the game. 

All the information related to the Dynamic league will be available on the second screen i.e., Winning distribution screen and when the user reaches the Quiz interface than within 30 sec depending on the number of players joined the Quiz League the winning distribution will be visible and if no one joined then the user will have to try again and money will be refunded to the user.

Static Leagues

The static league will act as normal leagues with the defined prize pool. If the card says 6 players, 4 Questions and 3 winners then all the distribution will be available in the same manner. When 6 players will join then only the match will start and after finishing 4 questions the prize will be distributed among 3 winners.

The following quizzes will be live on the BalleBaazi app in the formats:

Headsup, 3way, 4way, No Bonus Timer, No BB-Coins

Join in on the BB application Quiz and start earning real cash as you answer correctly. Keep your fantasy sports knowledge and skills in check as we prepare you for the post quarantine fantasy sun. Do not forget to check out our Virtual FanBlaze T10 tournament live on the BalleBaazi app now and start playing fantasy cricket even in the times when there’s no real cricket going on.

Loved the Blog? Let us know in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to Download the BalleBaazi App now for the Most Amazing Fantasy Sports Experience. Lots of Winnings & Offers for you to Cash in on!
