The Weapon of Fantasy Cricket: “Player Intelligence”

Ballebaazi Fantasy Cricket Player Intelligence App

Want to win all matches on BalleBaazi ??? Here’s the new weapon for all the Baazigars – “ The Player Intelligence”


Player intelligence gives the Baazigar all the information regarding the form of the player, his average points, strike rate, and the top order position of the player.

You can also see the analysis of the player’s last 5 matches, the runs scored by him, the highest score made, batting average, innings, fours and six’s made, any half-centuries and, centuries made by the player.

Ballebaazi Fantasy Game Player Intelligence New FeaturesThe player intelligence also helps the Baazigar by telling the credit of the player, the % of people who choose the player as captain and vice-captain.

This feature also allows the Baazigar to compare 2 players and then make a wise decision.

In just 2 simple steps use the Player Intelligence

STEP 1: Create a team by selecting players

STEP 2: Now Switch to Player Intelligence

And explore the feature and get all the information about the player from his 1st match to the last match

Make cash-winning teams and win Lakhs with the help of the Player Intelligence feature!!!!!

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